Sunday 31 October 2010

An experiment in TOTAL FREEDOM...

I remember when I was 19 years old I had been through a very tough time with my health. I'd spend months in a hospital and I just couldn't seem to get any better, no matter what I tried, no matter what help or medicine I was given.

One night, I had a life or death make or break situation on my hands. This was not a literal physical life/death issue, but more on the mental and spiritual plane. Basically, I could go on no longer under the sway of the way in which I was experiencing life.

The breakthrough came that night. Since that time, I had a period of wonderful changes in my life for the better, some of the fruits of which are still with me today. Because in some ways, life did not go "perfectly smoothly" from there on in, there have been times where I've become very interested to find out exactly what happened to me that night, and how I could recreate the shift in consciousness from a living hell, to a literal paradise on earth, so life seemed.

I've been experimenting for around 5-6 years now with Sound-Technology in particular, those kinds of sounds which can soothe the mind and calm the brain. You've probably heard of "brainwave entrainment." What I've discovered is that this kind of technology can be combined with other technologies, such as clinical hypnotherapy, NLP and subliminal messaging systems to create something that is altogether extremely powerful in terms of the potential to really make positive and lasting changes in your life, starting from the FIRST listening.

I've been working on my latest offering earlier today and will keep readers of this blog informed. Let's just say "expect something special" coming out of my work on this subject.

Something special is cooking in the Quantum Crucible...
A gift that will alter your perception of reality forever...
What will you order from your 21st century quantum menu?
Wildly Profitable Quantum Possibilities?
Choices that will open up to you are coming your way NOW...
Imminently shatter your limitations and reverse your resistance
The time has come for breakthroughs in time and space...
Taking all your worries, those troublesome demons
Time now to put them far behind you, further and further away...
Lock them, seal them tight, in a box, chained to the ground, far away behind you...
A future is now being created inside...with freedom, confidence, happiness, satisfaction...
A destiny that will surpass all expectation
As you dissolve your past, let the Quantum Crucible formula ease your frustration...
Here come the answers, get ready AWAKEN.


Sam Beatson, BMedSci, MSc, Ph.D scholar (PH.D in progress...)

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